报告编号:PS2 完成时间:2010年6月 中文版字数:6万8千 中文版页数:96页A4纸 小4号字
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第一章 聚苯乙烯(PS)概述... 1
Polystyrene (PS) is a thermoplastic resin, made from polymerized styrene. Because of its easy processibility, it is used in many applications such as disposables, packaging, toys, construction, electronics and housewares. There are three basic types of polystyrene resins—general-purpose polystyrene (GPPS), high-impact polystyrene (HIPS), and expandable polystyrene (EPS). There are also different grades of polystyrene resins.
Global VC Consulting Co., Ltd. expected that Chinese consumption of PS will be 30.35% of total consumption of the world (49.15%for EPS and 23.83% for GP/HIPS) in 2010. Average annual consumption growth rate for EPS, GP/HIPS and PS of China is 10.9%, 5.4% and 7.5%, respectively, in near future years, which is much larger than that of world (4.6%, 3.2%and 3.6% for EPS, GP/HIPS and PS, respectively). China will continue to be main factor of promoting consumption growth of world. ......
第二章 中国GP/HIPS市场研究 2
2.1中国各GP/HIPS生产厂家历年生产状况及未来新增产能 2
2.1.1中国各GP/HIPS生产厂家历年生产状况 2
2.1.2中国各地区GP/HIPS历年产能、产量统计 9
2.1.3中国GP/HIPS未来新增产能及其对竞争格局影响 10
2.2 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS装置生产能力、产量与开工率 11
2.3中国GP/HIPS生产成本 12
2.4中国GP/HIPS进出口分析及供需缺口分析 13
2.4.1 1995~2010年中国GP/HIPS进出口分析 13
2.4.2中国GP/HIPS进口来源国及贸易方式统计分析 15
2.4.3 中国GP/HIPS出口目的国统计分析 17
2.4.4 2003~2010年中国GP/HIPS各月进出口分析 19
2.5中国GP/HIPS历年供需概况 22
2.6中国GP/HIPS历年消费状况 24
2.6.1中国GP/HIPS历年消费量及消费状况分析 24
2.6.2中国GP/HIPS需求预测 25
2.6.3中国各地区GP/HIPS历年消费量及未来需求量预测 26
2.7中国GP/HIPS重要用户 29
第三章 中国EPS市场研究 30
3.1中国各EPS生产厂家历年生产状况及未来新增产能 30
3.1.1中国各EPS生产厂家历年生产状况与未来新增产能计划 30
3.1.2中国各地区EPS生产状况 34
3.2中国历年EPS装置生产能力、产量与开工率 35
3.3中国EPS进出口分析及供需缺口分析 36
3.3.1 1995~2010年中国EPS进出口分析 36
3.3.2中国EPS进口来源国及贸易方式统计分析 38
3.3.3 中国EPS出口目的国统计分析 40
3.3.4 2003~2010年各月中国EPS进出口分析 42
3.4 2000~2013年中国EPS供需概况 46
3.5中国EPS历年消费状况 48
3.5.1 2000~2013年中国EPS消费量及消费状况分析 48
3.5.2中国EPS需求预测 49
3.5.3中国各地区EPS历年消费量及未来需求量预测 50
3.6中国EPS重要用户 53
第四章 中国聚苯乙烯(PS)总体市场研究 54
4.1 2000~2013年中国PS装置生产能力、产量与开工率 54
4.2 2000~2013年中国PS历年供需概况 56
4.3中国PS历年消费状况 58
4.3.1中国PS历年消费量及消费状况分析 58
4.3.2 2010~2010年中国PS需求预测 59
4.3.3中国PS各消费领域消费量及PS消费结构 60
4.3.4中国PS消费结构及各消费领域需求量预测 62
4.4中国各PS下游领域现状和未来展望 62
4.4.1电子电器 62
4.4.2日用品 64
4.4.3 OPS制品等GPPS包装领域 64
4.4.4 PSP等泡沫制品 65
4.5中国一次性餐具行业调查及PS发泡餐具市场前景分析 66
4.5.1全国一次性餐具行业调查 66
4.5.2中国各主要地区一次性餐具行业调查 68
4.5.3“PS发泡餐具禁而不止,环保餐盒步履维艰”的原因分析 71
4.5.4PS发泡餐具市场前景分析 73
4.6中国塑料再生行业分析 74
第五章 全球PS供需状况及其与中国PS供需状况对比 77
第六章 中国苯乙烯市场研究 81
6.1中国苯乙烯供求平衡 81
6.2中国苯乙烯各生产厂家产能与产量 83
6.3中国苯乙烯进口状况 85
6.4中国苯乙烯消费状况 90
6.5中国苯乙烯供需预测 92
6.6中国苯乙烯行业对聚苯乙烯行业的影响 93
图表目录 94
表2-1 中国各GP/HIPS生产厂家工艺路线、投产时间、厂址及企业性质 3
表2-2 2013年中国各GP/HIPS生产厂家及其生产牌号与生产能力(按产能排序) 3
图2-1 2013年中国GP/HIPS生产能力分布 4
表2-3 中国GPPS质量指标 4
表2-4 中国HIPS质量指标 5
表2-5 中国各GP/HIPS生产厂家出口状况(按出口数量排序) 5
表2-6 2010年1~5月中国各GP/HIPS生产厂家出口状况(按出口数量排序) 6
表2-7 2004年中国各PS生产厂家实际产销量统计(按产量排序) 6
表2-8 2003年中国各PS生产厂家实际产销量统计(按产量排序) 7
表2-9 2002年中国各PS生产厂家实际产销量统计(按产量排序) 7
图2-2 2002~2013年中国各主要GP/HIPS生产厂家产能变化 8
图2-3 2002~2013年中国各主要GP/HIPS生产厂家产量变化 8
表2-10 中国各PS生产厂家及地区历年产能与产量 9
图2-4 中国GP/HIPS产能地区分布 10
图2-5 中国GP/HIPS产量地区分布 10
表2-11 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS装置生产能力、产量与开工率 11
图2-6 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS装置历年生产能力、产量与开工率及其变化趋势 12
表2-12 PS生产成本项目 13
表2-13 1995~2010年中国GP/HIPS进出口量 14
图2-7 1995~2010年中国GP/HIPS进出口量变化趋势 14
图2-8 1995~2010年中国GP/HIPS进出口价格变化趋势 15
表2-14 2010年中国GP/HIPS进口量按进口来源国统计 16
图2-9 2013年中国GP/HIPS进口贸易方式 17
表2-15 2013年中国GP/HIPS出口目的国分类统计分析 18
表2-16 2003~2010年各月中国GP/HIPS进出口数据,金额和价格 19
图2-10 2003~2010年各月中国GP/HIPS进口量对比 20
图2-11 2003~2010年中国GP/HIPS进口价格变化趋势及各年每月进口价格对比 21
图2-12 2003~2010年中国GP/HIPS出口价格变化趋势及各年每月出口价格对比 22
表2-17 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS供需平衡表 23
图2-13 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS产量、净进口量和消费量及其变化趋势 23
图2-14 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS自给率及自给率变化趋势 24
表2-18 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS消费量与消费增长率 24
图2-15 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS消费量及消费增长趋势 25
表2-19 中国GP/HIPS历年消费弹性系数计算表 25
表2-21 2002~2013年中国各地区GP/HIPS产量 27
表2-22 2002~2013年中国各地区GP/HIPS进出口量统计 27
表2-23 2002~2013年中国各地区GP/HIPS产量、进出口量和消费量 27
表2-24 2002~2013年中国各地区GP/HIPS消费量地区分布结构 28
图2-16 2013年中国GP/HIPS消费地区分布 28
表2-25 2010~2010年中国各地区GP/HIPS需求量预测 29
表2-26 中国GP/HIPS重要用户 29
表3-1 2002~2013年中国各EPS生产厂家产能及其新扩建计划(按产能排序) 30
表3-2 见龙机构2005年、2010年EPS产能地域分布 31
图3-1 2010年见龙机构EPS产能地区分布 32
表3-3 2013年前5个月中国各EPS生产厂家出口状况 32
表3-4 扬子巴斯夫EPS质量指标 33
表3-5 2003~2013年中国各主要EPS生产厂家产量(按产量排序) 33
图3-2 2013年中国各EPS生产厂家市场份额 34
表3-6 2013年中国 EPS 产能地域分布 34
表3-7 2000~2013年中国EPS装置生产能力、产量与开工率 35
图3-4 2000~2013年中国EPS装置生产能力与产量变化 36
表3-8 1995~2013年中国EPS进出口量 37
图3-6 1995~2013年中国EPS进出口价格变化趋势 38
表3-9 2013年中国EPS进口量按进口来源国统计 39
图3-7 2013年EPS进口贸易方式 40
表3-10 2013年中国EPS出口目的国分类统计分析 40
表3-11 2003~2013年各月中国EPS进出口数据,金额和价格 42
图3-8 2003~2013年各月中国EPS进口量对比 44
图3-9 2003~2013年中国EPS进口价格变化趋势及各年每月进口价格对比 45
图3-10 2003~2013年中国EPS出口价格变化趋势及各年每月出口价格对比 46
表3-12 2000~2013年中国EPS供需平衡表 46
图3-11 2000~2013年中国EPS产量、净进口量和消费量及其变化趋势 47
图3-12 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS、EPS、PS自给率及自给率变化趋势 47
表3-13 2000~2013年中国EPS消费量与消费增长率 48
图3-13 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS、EPS、PS消费量及消费增长趋势 49
表3-14 中国EPS历年消费弹性系数计算表 49
表3-15 2010~2010年中国EPS需求量预测数据 50
表3-16 2003~2013年中国各地区EPS消费量 51
图3-14 2003年中国EPS消费地区分布 51
图3-15 2004年中国EPS消费地区分布 52
表3-17 2010~2010年中国各地区EPS需求量预测 52
表3-18 中国EPS重要用户 53
表4-1 2000~2013年中国PS(GPPS、HIPS、EPS)装置生产能力、产量与开工率 54
图4-1 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS、EPS装置生产能力变化 55
图4-2 2000~2013年中国GP/HIPS、EPS装置产量变化 56
表4-2 2000~2013年中国PS(GPPS、HIPS、EPS)供需平衡表 57
图4-3 2000~2013年中国PS产量、净进口量和消费量及其变化趋势 57
图4-4 2000~2013年中国PS自给率及自给率变化趋势 58
表4-3 2000~2013年中国PS消费量与消费增长率 59
图4-5 2000~2013年中国PS消费量及消费增长趋势 59
表4-4 2010~2010年中国GP/HIPS、EPS、PS需求量预测数据 60
表4-5 2003~2013年中国PS各消费领域消费量 60
表4-6 2010~2013年中国PS消费结构及各消费领域对PS的消费量预测 62
表4-7 2013年中国主要家用电器产量增长情况 63
表4-8 中国电子电器行业PS重要用户 63
图4-8 中国各类餐盒市场份额 67
表4-9 PS发泡餐盒与环保餐盒物理性能和价格比较 71
表4-10 PS发泡餐盒与各类其他餐盒比较 72
表4-11 1999~2013年苯乙烯聚合物废塑料进口数量、金额与价格 74
表5-1 全球聚苯乙烯供需及2010年预测 77
表5-2 全球EPS各下游领域消费量 77
图5-1 全球EPS消费结构 78
表5-3 全球GP/HIPS消费结构 78
图5-2 全球GP/HIPS 消费结构 79
表5-4 全球PS(EPS、GPPS、HIPS)消费结构 79
图5-3 全球PS(EPS、GPPS、HIPS)消费结构 80
表5-5 2004年-2013年全球和中国PS消费量及其增长速度对比 80
表6-1 1994~2013年中国苯乙烯供求平衡表 81
表6-2 1995~2013年中国苯乙烯产量、进口量、净进口量、消费量增长情况 82
图6-1 1994~2013年中国苯乙烯产量、进口量和消费量增长趋势 83
表6-3 2003~2013年中国各苯乙烯生产企业产能及新建、扩建计划 84
表6-4 2003~2013年中国引进装置生产能力及其占总产能的比例 85
表6-5 中国苯乙烯生产企业历年产量 85
图6-2 中国苯乙烯生产企业市场份额 85
表6-6 1995~2010年中国苯乙烯进口量及其增长情况, 86
图6-3 1995~2010年中国苯乙烯进口量增长趋势 86
表6-7 2010年中国苯乙烯进口量按进口来源国分类统计 87
图6-4 2010年中国苯乙烯进口量按贸易方式分类统计 88
表6-8 2010年中国苯乙烯进口量按收货地分类统计 88
表6-9 2002-2013年中国苯乙烯消费情况 90
图6-5 2005年中国苯乙烯消费结构 91
图6-6 2002年中国苯乙烯消费结构 91
图6-7 2005年中国苯乙烯消费结构 92
表6-10 2005-2013年中国苯乙烯供需预测 92
表6-11 2003~2013年苯乙烯与PS产能对比 93
表6-12 2010年前5个月中国PS生产企业苯乙烯进口量 93
Polystyrene -China Market Research Report TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.1 Chinese Consumption and Demand Forecast of PS.... 1
1.1.1 Chinese Supply and Demand for PS from 2000 to 2004....1
1.1.2 Chinese Consumption for PS from 2000 to 2004.... 4
1.1.3 Chinese Demand Forecast for PS from 2005 to 2010.... 6
1.2 Chinese Consumption and Dmand Forcast of PS by End Use.... 7
1.2.1 Chinese Consumptionof PS by End Use.... 7
1.2.2 Chinese Demand Forcast of PS by End Use in Near Five years... 9
1.2.3 Chinese Trade and Gap between Supply and Demand of PS... 10 Chinese Trade of PS from 1995 to 2005.... 10 Chinese Imports of PS by Country of Origin and Terms of Trade... 13 Chinese Exports of PS by Country of Destination....17 Chinese Trade Of PS by Month from 2003 to 2010...... 20
1.3 Status and Prospects of Downstream Industries of PS....... 25
1.3.1Electrical/electronic industry.... 25
1.3.2Commodity.... 26
1.3.3 GPPS Packaging Field Such as OPS Ware....27
1.3.4 Foam Ware Such as PSP..... 28
1.4 Chinese Consumption and Dmand Forcast of PS by Region..... 29
1.4.1 Chinese Consumption and Dmand Forcast of GP/HIPS by Region.. 29
1.4.2 Chinese Consumption and Dmand Forcast of EPS by Region.. 32
1.5 Comparative Analysis of Global and Chinese Consumption for PS...35
2.1 Chinese Capacity and Production of Polystyrene... 40
2.2 Chinese Producing Companies of GP/HIPS.... 42
2.2.1 Production Status of Chinese Producers of GP/HIPS.... 42
2.2.2 Chinese Capacity and Production of GP/HIPS by Region in Recent Years.....50
2.2.3 Being Enhanced Capacity of Chinese GP/HIPS in Near Future... 52
2.3 Chinese Producing Companies of EPS..... 53
2.3.1 Chinese Producers of EPS and Their Capacity and Expanding Plan... 53
2.3.2 Chinese Capacity and Production of EPS by Region..... 57
4.1 Chinese Supply and Demand of Styrene..... 60
4.2 Capacity and Production of Chinese Producers of Styrene..... 62
4.3 Chinese Imports of Styrene...... 65
4.4 Chinese Consumption of Styrene......70
4.5 Forecast of Chinese Supply and Demand for Styrene....73
4.6 Influence of Chinese Styrene Industry on Chinese PS Industry.. 73
6.1 Investigation of one-off dishware industry in China..... 78
6.2 Investigation for the one-off dishware industry in the main cities..... 81
6.2.1 GuangDong province........ 81
6.2.2 ZheJiang province..... 81
6.2.3 JiangSu province....... 82
6.2.4 ShangHai....... 83
6.2.5 Beijing.......... 84
6.3 Analysis Reasons of “PS Foamed Dishware is Banned But Still Booming, Yet Environment-friendly Dishwares Walk With Difficulties”.... 85
6.4 Analysis of Foamed Dishware Foreground Market.... 87
Content of Tables and Charts.... 90
Table 1-1 Chinese Supply/Demand for GP/HIPS from 2000 to 2004.....1
Table 1-2 Chinese Supply/Demand for EPS from 2000 to 2004....1
Table 1-3 Chinese Supply/Demand for PS (GPPS、HIPS、EPS) from 2000 to 2004... 2
Chart 1-1 Chinese Production, Net Imports, and Consumption of GP/HIPS in Recent Years. 2
Chart 1-2 Chinese Production, Net Imports, and Consumption of EPS in Recent Years.. 3
Chart 1-3 Chinese Production, Net Imports, and Consumption of PS in Recent Years. 3
Chart 1-4 Chinese Self-sufficiency Rate of GP/HIPS、EPS and PS in Recent Years.. 4
Table 1-4 Chinese Consumption for GP/HIPS、EPS and PS from 2000 to 2004.. 5
Chart 1-5 Chinese Consumption for GP/HIPS、EPS and PS from 2000 to 2004. 6
Table 1-5 Chinese Elasticity of Consumption for GP/HIPS and EPS from 2001 to 2004.. 6
Table 1-6 Chinese Predicted Data of Consumption for GP/HIPS, EPS and PS in near future.7
Table 1-7 Chinese Consumption of Polystyrene by End Use-2003, 2004...8
Chart 1-6 Chinese Consumption of Polystyren by End Use-2003... 8
Chart 1-7 Chinese Consumption of Polystyren by End Use-2004.. 9
Table 1-8 Chinese Demand Forcast of Polysterene by End Use from 2005 to 2008.. 9
Table 1-9 Chinese Imports and Exports of GP/HIPS from 1995 to 2005..10
Chart 1-8 Chinese Imports and Exports of GP/HIPS from 1995 to 2005...10
Chart 1-9 Chinese Import Price and Export Price of GP/HIPS from 1995 to 2005. 11
Table 1-10 Chinese Imports and Exports of EPS from 1995 to 2005... 11
Chart 1-10 Chinese Imports and Exports of EPS from 1995 to 2005...12
Chart 1-11 Chinese Import Price and Export Price of EPS from 1995 to 2005..12
Table 1-11 Chinese Imports of GP/HIPS by Country of Origin -2005.... 13
Table 1-12 Chinese Imports of EPS by Country of Origin - 2005... 14
Chart 1-12 Terms of Chinese Import Trade of GP/HIPS-2005....16
Chart 1-13 Terms of Chinese Import Trade of EPS-2005.....16
Table 1-13 Chinese Exports of GP/HIPS by Country of Destination – 2005....17
Table 1-14 Chinese Exports of EPS by Country of Destination – 2005.....18
Table 1-15 Cinese Imports and Exports Of GP/HIPS by Month from 2003 to 2010... 20
Chart 1-15 Cinese Import Price Of GP/HIPS by Month from 2003 to 2005... 22
Chart 1-16 Cinese Export Price Of GP/HIPS by Month from 2003 to 2005... 22
Table 1-16 Cinese Imports and Exports Of EPS by Month from 2003 to 2010...23
Chart 1-17 Cinese Imports and Exports Of EPS by Month from 2003 to 2005....24
Chart 1-18 Cinese Import Price Of EPS by Month from 2003 to 2005.. 24
Chart 1-19 Cinese Export Price Of EPS by Month from 2003 to 2005.... 25
Table1-17 Growth of Chinese Main Household Appliances – 2004....26
Table 1-18 Chinese Production of GP/HIPS by Region from 2002 to 2004.... 29
Table 1-19 Chinese Imports and Exports of GP/HIPS by Region from 2002 to 2004...30
Table 1-20 Chinese Consumption of GP/HIPS by Region from 2002 to 2004.......31
Table 1-21 Chinese Consumption Structure of GP/HIPS by Region from 2002 to 2004. 31
Chart 1-20 Chinese Consumption Structure of GP/HIPS-2004..... 32
Table 1-22 Chinese Predicted Data of Consumption of GP/HIPS by Region from 2005 to 2010 32
Table 1-23 Chinese Consumption of EPS by Region from 2003 to 2004. 33
Chart 1-21 Chinese Consumption of EPS by Region - 2003.... 34
Chart 1-22 Chinese Consumption of EPS by Region - 2004.... 34
Table 1-24 Chinese Demand Forcast of EPS by Region from 2005 to 2010.... 35
Table 1-25 Global Supply/Demand for Polystyrene-2004, 2010..... 35
Table 1-26 Global Consumption of EPS-2004..... 36
Chart 1-23 Global Consumption of EPS-2004... 36
Table 1-27 Global Consumption of GP/HIPS-2004... 36
Chart 1-24 Global Consumption of GP/HIPS-2004......37
Table 1-28 Global Consumption of EPS, GPPS, and HIPS-2004.... 37
Chart 1-25 Global Consumption of EPS, GPPS and HIPS -2004....38
Table 1-29 Global and Chinese Consumption for Polystyrene-2004, 2010...39
Table 2-1 Chinese Capacity and Production of GP/HIPS from 2000 to 2004....40
Table 2-2 Chinese Capacity and Production of EPS from 2000 to 2004...... 40
Table 2-3 Chinese Capacity and Production of PS from 2000 to 2004.... 41
Chart 2-1 Chinese Capacity of GP/HIPS and EPS from 2000 to 2004...41
Chart 2-2 Chinese Production of GP/HIPS and EPS from 2000 to 2004...42
Table 2-4 Tech, Location and Company Type of Chinese Producers of GP/HIPS... 43
Table 2-5 Chinese Producers of GP/HIPS in the order of Capacity Share.... 44
Chart 2-3 Capacity of Chinese Producers of GP/HIPS- 2005...... 45
Table 2-6 Properties of GPPS Made in China....46
Table 2-7 Properties of HIPS Made in China.. 46
Table 2-8 Exports of Chinese Producers of GP/HIPS - 2005..... 46
Table 2-9 Chinese Actual Production and Sales of Producers of GP/HIPS-2004.....47
Table 2-10 Chinese Actual Production and Sales of Producers of GP/HIPS-2003...48
Table 2-11 Chinese Actual Production and Sales of Producers of GP/HIPS-2002......48
Chart 2-4 Chinese Capacity of Producers of GP/HIPS from 2002 to 2004.. 49
Chart 2-5 Chinese Production of Producers of GP/HIPS from 2002 to 2004..... 50
Chart 2-12 Chinese Capacity and Production of GP/HIPS by Region from 2002 to 2004..50
Chart 2-6 Chinese Capacity of GP/HIPS by Region - 2004.....51
Chart 2-7 Chinese Production of GP/HIPS by Region - 2004..... 52
Table 2-13 Being Enhanced Capacity of Chinese GP/HIPS in Near Future....52
Table 2-14 Chinese Producers of EPS and Their Capacity and Expanding Plan....53
Table 2-15 Capacity in 2005 and 2010 of Loyal Chemical by Region....55
Chart 2-8 Capacity in 2005 of Loyal Chemical by Region.....55
Table 2-16 Exports of Chinese Producers of EPS - 2005.......56
Table 2-17 Properties of EPS Made in China.....56
Table 2-18 Actual Production of Chinese Producers of EPS – 2003, 2004....57
Chart 2-9 Production Share of Chinese Producers of EPS- 2004.....57
Chart 2-19 Chinese Capacity of EPS by Region - 2005....58
Chart 2-10 Chinese Capacity of EPS by Region - 2005...... 58
Table 3-1 Cost of Chinese PS manufacture.....59
Table 4-1 Chinese Supply and Demand of Styrene from 1994 to 2004... 60
Table 4-2 Chinese Growth of Production, Imports, Net Imports and Consumption of Styrene. 61
Chart 4-1 Chinese Growth of Production, Imports and Consumption of Styrene..62
Table 4-5 Chinese Production of Producers of Styrene from 2001 to 2004... 65
Chart 4-2 Chinese Production Share of Producers of Styrene - 2004... 65
Table 4-6 Chinese Imports of Styrene from 1995 to 2005....66
Chart 4-3 Chinese Imports of Styrene from 1995 to 2005..... 66
Table 4-7 Chinese Imports of Styrene by Country of Origin -2005... 67
Chart 4-4 Terms of Chinese Import Trade of Styrene-2005.... 68
Table 4-8 Chinese Imports of Styrene by Region -2005....68
Table 4-6 Chinese Consumption of Styrene by end use from 2002 to 2010....71
Chart 4-3 Chinese Consumption of Styrene by end use-2004...71
Chart 4-4 Chinese Consumption of Styrene by end use-2002....72
Chart 4-5 Chinese Consumption of Styrene by end use-2005.......72
Table 4-7 Chinese Supply/Demand for Styrene in future.... 73
Table 4-8 Chinese Capacity of Styrene and PS from 2003 to 2005.....74
Table 4-9 Imports of Styrene by Producers of Chinese PS - 2005.......74
Table 5-1 Imports of Waste Styrene Polymer Plastics.....75
Chart 5-1 Imports of Waste Styrene Polymer Plastics.... 76
Chart 6-1 Chinese Market Shares of Dishwares.....80
Table 6-1 Properties and Price of PS Foamed Dishware VS Environment-friendly Dishware....85
Table 6-2 PS Foamed Dishware VS other Dishware.....86